(Defined in: jpgraph_gantt.php : 3474) Class usage and Overview
This class represents a vertical line on the gantt scale. It can for example be used to illustrate the boundaries between different phases in a project plan.
To access the title property just use the 'title' property of the line, for example
$line = new GantVLine(.....);
$line->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
See also related classes:
GanttGraph, GanttBar and MileStone
Class Methods
function GanttVLine($aDate,$aTitle,$aColor,$aWeight,$aStyle)
Create a new vertical line in the Gantt graph
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Date where the line should be |
| Title of line |
| Color for line |
| Line weight |
| Line style (dotted, slashed etc) |
Create a new verticla line according to specification that later on can be added to the gantt graph vis its Add() method.
See also
$line = new GanttVLine('2002-11-02','System test starts','darkblue',2,'solid');
function SetDayOffset($aOff)
Specify where in the single day the line sould be drawn.
Argument | Default | Description |
| Fraction of day (0,1) |
Specify where in the single day the line sould be drawn.
// Draw line in the middle of the day
function SetTitleMargin($aMarg)
Set distance between end of line and title.
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Margin in pixels |
Set distance between end of line and title.