CLASS PlotBand
(Defined in: jpgraph_plotband.php : 541) Class usage and Overview
A "Plotband" repesent a rectangualr area in the graph that can be given a specific pattern ranging from 3D grid to simple horizntal grid lines.
A Plot band is then added to the graph via the Graph::AddBand() method.
See also related classes:
Class Methods
function PlotBand($aDir,$aPattern,$aMin,$aMax,$aColor,$aWeight,$aDepth)
Create a new Plot band of the specified type
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Direction of plot band |
| | Type of pattern |
| | Min value for plot area |
| | Max value for plot area |
| Color of pattern |
| Line weight |
| Depth. Over or under the plot. |
Create a new Plot band that later on can be added to the graph. The following pattern types are supported
- BAND_RDIAG, Right diagonal lines
- BAND_LDIAG, Left diagonal lines
- BAND_SOLID, Solid one color
- BAND_LVERT, Vertical lines
- BAND_LHOR, Horizontal lines
- BAND_VLINE, Vertical lines
- BAND_HLINE, Horizontal lines
- BAND_3DPLANE, "3D" Plane
- BAND_HVCROSS, Vertical/Hor crosses
- BAND_DIAGCROSS, Diagonal crosses
A plotband extends completely along one of the axis in the graph. This axis is determined by the first argument, the direction.
Valid directions are
$uband=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_RDIAG,0,"max","green");
$uband->SetDensity(50); // 50% line density
$lband=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_LDIAG,"min",0,"red");
$lband->SetDensity(20); // 20% line density
function SetDensity($aDens)
Specify density for pattern
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Density [1,100] |
Specify density for pattern as an integer value between 1 and 100, 100 being very dense and 1 being very sparse.
$uband=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_RDIAG,0,"max","green");
$uband->SetDensity(50); // 50% line density
$lband=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_LDIAG,"min",0,"red");
$lband->SetDensity(20); // 20% line density
function SetOrder($aDepth)
Specify z-order parameter for plot
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Pattern Z-order parameter |
Specify if the pattern should be in front of plot or behind the plot. Valid parameters are
- DEPTH_BACK, Behind the plot
- DEPTH_FRONT, In front of the plot
$band=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_RDIAG,0,"max","green");
function ShowFrame($aFlag)
Display frame around pattern
Argument | Default | Description |
| True=Display border |
Display frame around pattern
$band=new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL,BAND_RDIAG,0,"max","green");