<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph.php");
require_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php");
require_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php");
// Some "random" data
$ydata = array(10,120,80,190,260,170,60,40,20,230);
$ydata2 = array(10,70,40,120,200,60,80,40,20,5);
// Get a list of month using the current locale
$months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth();
// Create the graph.
$graph = new Graph(300,200);
// Adjust the margin slightly so that we use the
// entire area (since we don't use a frame)
// Box around plotarea
// No frame around the image
// Setup the tab title
$graph->tabtitle->Set('Year 2003');
// Setup the X and Y grid
// Setup month as labels on the X-axis
// Create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($ydata);
// Set line weigth to 0 so that there are no border
// around each bar
// Create filled line plot
$lplot = new LinePlot($ydata2);
// .. and finally send it back to the browser
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